A Freedom Fighter turned villain, Jack is a gray hare with a black eye patch on his left eye, and wears rebel "commando" style clothing. He leads a band of rebels called Sand Blasters out in the Mobius desert, the group living in a force field protected town called Sand Blast City. Sonic and Tails crash landed in the desert during their global search for Ixis Naugus, and they hitched then ride with Jack and his rebels. Their opinion of the group changed when they learned that Sand Blast City worshipped Sonic the Hedgehog, who was a god in their eyes after killing Dr. Robotnik.
Sonic helped Jack's group fend off a savage horde of Robians, who are the reason Sand Blast City is protected by the force field. It later turned out that Jack purposely crashed Sonic's plane and hid it in the city, making sure he'd never leave so he could protect them from the Robians forever. Not about to stay, the Hedgehog found the controls of the force field hidden inside the monument statue of himself and destroyed them both. The shield dropped and the Robians invaded the city; Sonic and Tails managed to escape, leaving Jack and his rebels to their enemies.
Later, Bunnie Rabbot was attacked and imprisoned by Jack after receiving a fake transmission asking for help. The message was intended for Sonic but Jack decided to use Bunnie to bait Sonic instead and locked her up in an impenetrable cell with the savage Robians that had overrun Sand Blast City after the shield was destroyed, all of whom had been captured. Bunnie bravely battled the Robians and managed to break free from her cell, leaving the Robians to attack Jack and his Sand Blasters once again while Bunnie escaped.
When it seemed as though Sonic and Bunnie had begun to fight each other within the refinery, Jack was happy to sit back and watch, not fond of either of them. However, it wasn't too long before he saw how much damage was being done; enraged, he realized that Sonic and Bunnie were using the fight as a pretense to destroy as much of the refinery as possible. Jack angrily ordered his Freedom Fighters to move in, and soon the Sand Blasters were fighting the Legion within the refinery. Jack and Avery, armed with a rocket launcher, soon found Sonic and Bunnie; Jack told Avery that if he had a clear shot, he should take it. Avery worried about the refinery being further damaged, but after considering a moment, Jack grinned and decided it would be worth it. However, when Avery attempted to fire, he was struck by the Legion's Grandmaster, Beauregard "The Baron" Rabbot; the rocket ended up being fired into the sky. Jack called the Grandmaster, the leader of the former Robians, an ungrateful backstabber; Beauregard replied "Don't you dare lecture me, Jack." Gripping Jack's arm with his robotic hand, Beauregard forced him to drop his weapon. Bunnie soon ran over, and Jack was surprised to hear her address Beauregard as "uncle." As the two talked, Jack attempted to recover his gun, but Bunnie snatched it away before he could and later crushed it in her robotic hand. To everyone's surprise, a massive explosion suddenly occurred, blowing them all back; Avery's wayward rocket had landed in the refinery's oil pits and exploded. With the battle going badly and the refinery no longer usable, Jack and his group fled. (StH: #218)
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