Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sonic the hedgehog #1

Sonic the Hedgehog #1 is the beginning of the current series Sonic the Hedgehog.The series was created by Archie comics.This comic was on sale a month after the Mini-Series ended.

Meet Me at the Corner of Hedgehog and Vine

Part 1

  The comic starts out with  Doctor Robotnik destroying a pinata like versions of sonic until a Swatbot comes in with a strange plant. Instead of the plant being organic, it was mechanical The swatbot said it was called "Krudzu".The strange plant grows fast, grabbing anything around it. It gave Dr. Robotnik a plan to set it upon the freedom fighters. Out at the village called Knothole, Antoine was jealous of Sonic, who is talking with Sally. Antoine goes to the woods to pick her a few flowers.Without warning, antoine was trapped in the Krudzu. Sonic and sally heard him scream, and came to his aid.

Part 2

 Once they freed him they took him to boomer to find a way to take Antoine out of the plant. Tails a and wanders over to waters the plant, but instead of growing, it short-circuits. They learn about it being mechanical, and soon realize that they won't have to do anything to stop it, as it begins to rain outside, causing all the Krudzu to short-circuit.

You Bet my Life

Part 1

Boomer discovers that at a casino made by robotnik ("Renobotnik"), he is going to make a speech for all of his badniks. Once Sonic learned that he decided to sneak into Renobotnik. In the auditorium, Sonic sits down and watches Robotnik begin his speech.In the middle of his speech,Robotnik notices Sonic.But luck turns in his favor, as he reveals in his speech his newest badnik "Orbinaut". Orbinaut attacks Sonic, knocking him out.

Part 2

Sonic gets captured unconscious and put into a glass ball, where he's put in a giant pinball machine Robotnik invented. Once Sonic begins to wake, he is shot into the pinball machine, beaten up by obstacles in it.As the first round is over, Robotnik begins to get Sonic loaded.But then a SWATbot informs Robotnik that someone in "Renobotnik" won.Full of rage, he went off to squish the person who won with a giant hammer.That gave Sonic time to create an idea. (He will use his spines to cut through the glass, then will be able escape when he gets shot up the pinball machine again.) Robotnik comes back to begin round 2, as Sonic shoots up again he breaks free. Orbinaut attempts to defeat him, but Sonic was to fast,and dodged all his attacks.Eventually Sonic destroys the casino and returned back to Knothole.

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