Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sonic the Hedgehog

This page contains content from Sonic-News-Network, so credit where credit's due.

Sonic the Hedgehog is a 17 year old Hedgehog native to the planet Mobius. Since his early childhood he has opposed to villainous reign of the evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik and afterwards his alternate universe counterpart Dr. Eggman. Sonic's speed is his ultimate weapon, and has used it to help those in need, as well as foil his enemies' plans. Although he is sometimes overconfident and assumes he can deal with things on his own, Sonic also realizes he has friends to back him up in troubled situations. Additionally, he is willing to put his life on the line for those he cares about. He is a vital leader and member of the Freedom Fighters, the hero of Mobius, and the fastest thing alive!

Early lifeEdit Early life section

Sonic was born on day 162 of year 3220 during the early days of the Great War to the loving couple Jules and Bernadette Hedgehog on Christmas Island. While his parents originally named him after his grandfathers, Sonic quickly picked up his nickname due to his incredible speed which he would use to run everywhere.
As a toddler, both of Sonic's parents fell victim to the Roboticizer, forcing his uncle to raise him. Sonic first met Sally Acorn during one of his uncle's many visits to King Maximillian Acorn. But when the King realized the Great War was going badly for the Mobians, he ordered a large number of the children in the city, including his daughter and Sonic, to the sanctuary in Knothole Village under the protection of Rosie and Julayla. Only a few months after the Great War's end, Warlord Julian launched a full scale coup d'état and took over the city, renaming it Robotropolis. During his takeover, Sonic's uncle Chuck and pet dog Muttski were captured and roboticized as well, effectively making Sonic an orphan.
Over the years, Sonic struck back against Robotnik's growing empire, assisted by his friends Sally, Rotor the Walrus, Antoine D'Coolette, NICOLE and Miles "Tails" Prower. Modeling their group after the Original Freedom Fighters, Sonic and his group of Knothole Freedom Fighters used guerrilla tactics and espionage to ruin many of Robotnik's schemes, including the release of Krudzu into the Great Forest and the partial roboticization of Bunnie Rabbot.

Freedom FighterEdit Freedom Fighter section

After 10 years of Robotnik's reign, Sonic and his group of Freedom Fighters had begun to increase their attacks against the evil despot. Up to this point, Robotnik had thought of their resistance as no real threat, and let it exist within the Great Forest. However, he now realized that the Knothole Freedom Fighters were not only older and more organized, but had years of experience as guerrilla fighters under their belt. He now made it a priority to locate the secret location of Knothole Village so that he could crush the Freedom Fighters quickly. Time and time again however, he plans were foiled by Sonic the Hedgehog and his crew.
While most of his time was spent combating Robotnik and his hordes of SWATbots and Badniks, Sonic encountered other villains to combat. At one point, while on the other side of Mobius, Sonic attempted to get to Robotropolis quickly using the Cosmic Interstate, which lead him to the parallel universe of Anti-Mobius (now called Moebius). During his brief time in this realm, Sonic encountered his alternative self, Evil Sonic. Although he quickly defeated his evil double, and was able to get back to his home realm, Evil Sonic would continue to pose a threat to his reality in the future.
During one of his missions with his young friend Tails, Sonic encountered the Floating Island, home of Knuckles the Echidna, while flying in their plane "The Tornado" (known as the "X Tornado" in Sonic X). At the time, Knuckles the Echidna had been coerced by Robotnik to assume Sonic and Tails were after the Chaos Emerald. While Knuckles was distracted trying to apprehend Sonic and Tails, Robotnik was able to briefly take the Chaos Emerald for himself. Upon realizing he had been tricked, Knuckles, Sonic and Tails teamed up and retook the Emerald from Robotnik.
Some time later, another reality's version of Sonic, called Cyborg Sonic, came in his universe using the Cosmic Interstate, trying to gain help from Sonic the Hedgehog to stop his own version of Robotnik, called Robo-Robotnik. With the help of numerous reality's Sonics, and the unexpected assistance of the original Dr. Robotnik, Robo-Robotnik was stopped from taking over all the universes.
Robotnik later planned a trap for Sonic, capturing the hedgehog's number one fan, Amy Rose. Using her as a hostage, Robotnik was able to lure Sonic into the Collision Chaos Zone where he would be forced to race against Robotnik's newest creation, Metal Sonic. Although the overweight despot had numerous traps hidden throughout the race course, Sonic was able to survive, and caused Metal Sonic to overheat, destroying his legs and causing him to crash. The rest of the Freedom Fighters went on the free Amy and Tails, who had also been captured.
At one point, Sonic wished to undergo roboticization while using Rotor's invention, the Neuro-Overrider, to maintain his free will so that he could destroy Robotnik and Robotropolis with his enhanced abilities. The plan was denied by Sally, much to the dismay of Sonic. However, Sonic was captured by the bounty hunter Nack the Weasel and roboticized by Robotnik anyways. With his free will almost completely gone, Mecha Sonic was sent on a mission to destroy Knothole Village entirely. Although he succeeded in damaging a large part of it, he was unable to transmit the coordinates of its location, as he was engaged in combat with Bunnie Rabbot. While he managed to overcome his former cybernetic friend, the assistance of Knuckles, who had roboticized himself and became Mecha Knuckles, proved too much. The two had crashed into Robotropolis and badly damaged it, but Mecha Knuckles, having come out with less damage, took Sonic back to Knothole to be healed before Robotnik could repair him. Sonic was restored to his former self when Sally used the magical powers of Sonic's one billionth Power Ring. Afterwards, Sonic was tried in court by Antoine for treason, but was proven innocent once it was revealed Nack the Weasel was responsible for capturing Sonic.
Some time after the failure of Mecha Sonic, Robotnik finally decided to enact his ultimate plan to destroy Knothole Village and the Freedom Fighters - Operation: EndGame. Robotnik's secret agent Drago Wolf (a former member of the Wolf Pack) was able to fool Hershey the Cat into almost killing Princess Sally, while the other Freedom Fighters believed it to be Sonic who did it. Additionally, Robotnik had replaced the recently rescued King Max with a robotic duplicate, who would be used to misdirect the Freedom Fighters. With the Freedom Fighters believing Sonic to be a traitor and ordered to arrest him, Robotnik would be able to prepare his super weapon, the Ultimate Annihilator, which would erase Knothole from existence. When the Freedom Fighters discovered Sonic was innocent, they allowed him to attack Robotnik while they attempted to combat the swarms of SWATbots and COMbots now within Knothole. Once in Robotropolis, Sonic and Robotnik engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Due to Snively's treachery, the Ultimate Annihilator was reprogrammed to only target the war room and Robotnik's DNA signature, erasing him from existence, thus ending the battle and ending the ten year reign of the dictator.

A New AgeEdit A New Age section

With Robotnik's reign of terror now over, Sonic the Hedgehog and the rest of the Freedom Fighters were able to retake Robotropolis. Although Snively attempted to maintain control of the city and combat the Freedom Fighters using a DYNAMAC, he was quickly defeated by Sonic and company. With the city completely under control once again, Sonic was able to search the city for his uncle Chuck and the other Robians. Upon locating his uncle, Sonic soon realized his parents were alive when he met them for the first time since his early childhood years. In order to prevent having to tell his nephew that the roboticization was his fault, Chuck had told Sonic his parents had died during the Great War. Angered at the discovery, Sonic left, unwilling to speak to either his uncle or his parents for some time.
Now that the real King Max was located and had returned to power (although still suffering from the crystallization effects he suffered from leaving the Zone of Silence), he had begun leading the free Mobians once again. Two of his first orders however was disbanding of the Freedom Fighters and later the dismantling of all the Robians, who wished to start their own colony and civilization outside of Mobotropolis due to feelings of disdain from their Mobian counterparts. It was soon discovered that Max was being controlled by the wizard Ixis Naugus, who had been attempting to take control of Mobotropolis upon his own escape from the Zone of Silence. With his plans foiled, Naugus escaped from the city and King Max was finally restored to full health.
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters were briefly sent to the Floating Island, upon receiving a call from Locke the Echidna, Knuckles' father. Almost immediately after arriving, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were transported to another zone by the now all-powerful Mammoth Mogul, who became virtually omnipotent after stealing the powers from Enerjak using the Sword of Acorns. Although his powers were great, the combined might of Super Sonic, Hyper Knuckles and Turbo Tails, as well as assistance from Athair, proved too much, and he was imprisoned within the newly formed Master Emerald.
With Naugus freed and plotting his revenge, Sonic and Tails were ordered to search the planet, track him down, and reseal him within the Zone of Silence. Over the next few months, the two went from the lush lands of the Great Forest, to the outback of Downunda, to the desert lands and Sand Blast City, to the Kingdom of Mercia and finally to the frozen lands of the Southern Tundra. Eventually, Sonic and Tails, with the help of over a billion power rings, defeated a also super powered Naugus and trapped him within the Zone of Silence once again with the help of Nate Morgan and Eddy the Yeti, the latter sacrificing his life to save Sonic, Tails, and Nate from Nate's collapsing castle.
With Naugus trapped away, Sonic and Tails returned to Mobotropolis. While the Mobians were able to enjoy a short time of peace, they soon realized another threat was looming over them. For months, the planet had been plagued with a variety of events which seemed too random to be normal acts of nature. It became apparent that someone was responsible for these when a broadcasted message from King Max was interrupted and replaced by a history of the life of Robotnik. It was discovered by NICOLE, Sally's hand-held computer A.I. that the message was delivered from a number of satellites orbiting the planet. While everyone assumed them to be abandoned projects of Robotnik and no real threat at first, they soon realized this was not the case when all of the Robians disappeared overnight.
Enraged by the disappearance of his family, Sonic took it upon himself to discover what was going on with the satellites. Despite her father's orders, Sally chose to help Sonic go through with his plan by reforming the Freedom Fighters. With the discovery of a space shuttle within Mobotropolis by Nate Morgan and Rotor the Walrus, which was originally created by Robotnik prior to his death in order to expand his empire beyond the planet, the Freedom Fighters used a Power Ring to power it enough to get into orbit. Once inside the massive satellite structure, which was formed when all of the satellites merged together, Sonic and his friends discovered a horrifying sight, Doctor Robotnik was still alive!

Return of Robo-RobotnikEdit Return of Robo-Robotnik section

After a brief fight between Sonic and the evil dictator, it was discovered that this was not the late Dr. Robotnik who had been erased by the Ultimate Annihilator, but rather the roboticized version from another reality, Robo-Robotnik. Having barely survived his confrontation with the various Sonics nearly a year ago, Robo-Robotnik had managed to rebuild his body using a part from the Giant Borg machine. He then went on to nuke the city of Mobotropolis in his reality and destroy Cyborg Sonic and the Freedom Fighters. With no opposition in his own reality, and discovering that Dr. Robotnik had died in the prime zone, Robo-Robotnik traveled through space and time to replace his deceased alternative self in that reality.
When the Freedom Fighters confronted Robo-Robotnik, they soon discovered that their coming to the satellite base had been a trap, designed to lure them away from Mobotropolis to allow Robo-Robotnik's Shadowbots to reclaim the city and capture its population for roboticization. While many were still able to escape the city, all of the Robians, with the exception of Sonic's parents, whose wedding bands consisting of Power Rings prevented them from losing their free will, were now under Robo-Robotnik's control. Sonic and the Freedom Fighters were able to destroy the satellite base with the help of Snively, and escaped on the space shuttle back to Mobius. Robo-Robotnik however simply downloaded his consciousness into a new robotic body, located in a secret sub basement located a half mile under the former Castle Acorn in the re-christened Robotropolis.
With Robotropolis now in control of Robo-Robotnik, the Mobians fled the city to Knothole Village. With his new body, Robotnik renamed himself Dr. Eggman, and planned on downloading the location of Knothole Village into his mind. Before he was able to however, Sally, NICOLE and Snively deleted its location from Robotropolis' computer memory banks, preventing its location from being discovered by the new despot. Meanwhile, Sonic located the remaining Mobians who were trapped in the city during its evacuation, and helped them escape.
When Dr. Eggman released Chaos from the confines of the Black Emerald, which was then sent to the human city of Station Square, Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters were sent to stop it. While Sonic and Knuckles seemingly killed Chaos onboard the Egg Carrier, the water-created being managed to survive and obtain the last of the seven Chaos Emeralds, using the negative energy to becoming Perfect Chaos. With the creature wreaking havoc in Station Square, Sonic was forced to use the remaining positive energies of the Emeralds to become Super Sonic to combat the new threat. He successfully defeated Perfect Chaos, who then returned to his confines in the Black Emerald along side Tikal. The humans in Station Square thanked the Freedom Fighters for their help.
Before they could return to Knothole, Dr. Eggman launched another mechanical duplicate of Sonic, known as Silver Sonic II, to destroy Station Square once and for all. While Silver Sonic II was able to outmatch the other Freedom Fighters with ease, his injuring of Tails pushed Sonic over the edge, allowing him to defeat the robo-duplicate by knocking its head off. When Eggman went to recover his machine, he found himself being attacked and chased out of Station Square by it, as Nate Morgan had reprogrammed Silver Sonic II to act as protector of the city against the mad scientist.
With Station Square safe and with a permanent protector there, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters bid the humans farewell. Shortly after their departure in the Freedom Fighter Special however, the ship experienced a malfunction and was forced to land. Little did they know that the one responsible for this was none other than the original Metal Sonic. During their reconnaissance of the area, Tails was captured and taken hostage by the metallic duplicate. Sonic, angered as the capture of his young friend, attempted to defeat Metal Sonic alone. However, the self-rebuilt robot proved far too powerful, cunning and advanced, due to the Power Gem embedded in his chest. After defeating Sonic, Metal Sonic offered the blue blur the chance to save Tails, which turned out to be a trap to lure him into Mount Mobius just before it erupted. Just as the volcano began to spew lava, Metal Sonic had a change of heart, after witnessing Tails willing to stay with Sonic and sacrifice himself. The robot then held the lava back while the two could escape before being overwhelmed by lava.
Shortly thereafter, Sonic returned home only to aid King Max in rescuing Prince Elias Acorn from Dr. Eggman. During the fight, Sonic saw the king use the Sword of Acorns to unintentionally restore free will to his uncle Chuck and Muttski. The distraction of the sight was enough to keep Sonic from protecting King Max from a sneaky punch from a Shadowbot, leaving King Max wheelchair bound for months. Feeling guilty from his lapse in judgment. Sonic took the Sword (unauthorized) in an attempt to restore the other Robians, only for Mina Mongoose to follow with a similar plan to rescue her mother. During a subsequent battle with upgraded Combots, the Sword was lost.
Attempting to retrieve the Sword from Dr. Eggman (unaware that Uma Arachnis had taken it during the battle), Sonic witnessed the return of the Overlanders. Attempting to reason with them, Sonic unsuccessfully protected the Overlanders from Monkey Khan and failed to stop the Overlanders from fleeing into Robotropolis. To make matters worse, Sonic had to answer for his actions regarding the sword, lost his knighthood, and was temporarily restricted to Knothole.
Weeks later, he took another unauthorized trip to Robotropolis, saw that Eggman had done nothing to them, then had to intervene in a battle between Arachnis and Kodos. After Arachnis curiously saved Sonic from Kodos and departed, Sonic secretly delivered Kodos to the Knothole hospital. The next morning, a Shadowbot delivered a message for Sonic: Sir Charles had regained his free will, and knew that Eggman had lost the sword to Arachnis. Adopting a disguise, and going by the alias, "The Sneak" of Sand Blast City, Sonic attempted to track down Arachnis, only for Geoffry St. John and the Royal Secret Service to head to Robotropolis, thinking that the sword was still there. Sonic had to rescue them from Dr. Eggman, and head back to Knothole before anyone recognized him.
Just as Sonic stashed his disguise, he was apprehended by Station Square's defense force G.U.N., when they believed it was Sonic who destroyed Silver Sonic II and stole the city's only Chaos Emerald from their bank. It turned out that the real thief was Shadow the Hedgehog, a being created by Dr. Robotnik's maternal grandfather Professor Gerald Robotnik. Sonic managed to escape his captors and eventually defeat Shadow, restoring his reputation in the city of Station Square. Eventually returning home, Sonic acted as a tutor for Mina, before making one more attempt at retrieving the sword. With help from the other Freedom Fighters, the sword was finally retrieved. Almost immediately, it was discovered that Nate Morgan had learned of the Overlanders, and the toxic waste poisoning in the city, forcing a few rescue attempts. The Sword was able to restore free will to the Robians, including the High Sheriff, who was returned to Knothole by Antoine, but Nate Morgan was captured and roboticized, and Sonic was unable to rescue him. Instead, he was forced to stop a treasonous Heavy and Bomb from killing the Royal Family, before convincing the Overlanders that they can't stay in Robotropolis.
Some time after this, Sonic would be called back to Station Square to save them from Zan the Dragon, in exchange for letting a group of Overlanders move into the city from Robotropolis.

Xorda Attack and Tossed in SpaceEdit Xorda Attack and Tossed in Space section

Some months later, the xenophobic alien race known as the Xorda came to Mobius. They went on to explain that Mobius used to be called Earth, and that thousands of years ago, they sent an emissary to the human population to discuss a peace agreement, only for it to be killed and dissected. In retaliation, the Xorda attacked Earth, launching Gene Bombs on the planet, which lead to the de-evolution of humans and the evolution of the animal kingdom. They had now returned to the Earth to finish the job the Gene Bomb was supposed to do, which was to wipe out all life on the planet. Their ship's attack on Mobius was short lived, but the Xorda had one weapon left in their arsenal - the Quantum Dial. The Quantum Dial was a massive device which would open up a black hole, enveloping the planet and the entire solar system. Although almost all of the people of Mobius attacked the huge weapon together, its defenses proved too great. It was only when Knuckles, who had just returned from the afterlife, took out the weapon's entire defense systems, that Sonic was able to get into it and shut it down, saving the entire planet. However, by shutting it down, Sonic was transported billions of light years off world to another galaxy.
Realizing he was trapped on the other side of the universe, Sonic spent the next few months jumping across worlds while searching for a way home. He first found himself on the planet Thoraxia, whose population consisted of two insectoid-like races, the Blodex and the Bzzzz. Before Sonic could find a way off the planet, he found himself having to use the Red Chaos Emeralds on the planet to defend the Blodex from the invading Bzzzz. However, rather than turning Sonic into Super Sonic, the Red Emeralds manifested the power Sonic absorbed into a separate being which became Super Sonic. The new being defeated the Bzzzz, but didn't stop there. Instead, it went on a total rampage and began destroying the Blodex as well. Realizing he was responsible for the creation of this new menace, Sonic went to fight Super Sonic and stop him from causing any more harm. After stopping Super Sonic from destroying Thoraxia's two moons, Super Sonic went on to pummel Sonic. Like the Chaos Emeralds on Mobius however, the power was only temporary, causing Super Sonic to dissipate before he could finish Sonic off.
After saving the Blodex, the insect-like race contacted a neighboring species called the D'novulands to assist Sonic's trip home. The D'novulands placed a device in Sonic's ear, the "Babble Node" as Sonic referred to it, allowing him to understand almost all alien languages. On their way to Mezzo Jillion, the sector's largest trading hub, their ship was caught in an asteroid field, the remains of the planet Cemerant-16, which had just been destroyed. Forced to abandon ship, Sonic was sent into the last escape pod by the ship's captain, Oe, which descended into an uninhabited planet's atmosphere.
The planet's evolution and time was hundreds of times faster than that on Mobius, allowing Sonic to watch the planet go from uninhabitable to supporting a technologically advanced race called the Azurites. The Azurites had watched Sonic for what had been millions of years for them, believing him to be a god. When they were technologically advanced enough, they created a device known as the Temporal Decelerator, which allowed them to slow down their time so that they could communicate with Sonic. With communication now possible, the Azurites offered to make Sonic a ship which would allow him to get off the Azurites world and find his way home. Once they disabled the Temporal Decelerator, they were able to create a ship within a matter of seconds by Sonic's time. Sonic then used the ship to begin his journey home.
Sonic's journey lead him to meet up with one of the late Dr. Robotnik's earliest creations - E.V.E. Having convinced E.V.E. to go beyond her programming, Sonic managed to persuade the machine to ascend to the stars. Little did he know this would cause a chain of events leading to the destruction of numerous worlds. Now, almost two years after E.V.E. had left Mobius, her size was nearly that of a planet's, with the power to drain entire worlds of all their metallic substances within fifteen minutes. After a confrontation with Captain Bagbar Beeblebrox and the crew of the Sentelle, Sonic, realizing it was his duty to make amends to stop E.V.E., flew his ship into her hull. Fighting his way through E.V.E.'s defense units, Sonic finally came face to face with her. Sonic managed to convince E.V.E. that her actions made her no better than she was when she first left Mobius, which caused her to decide to collide with the nearest sun and destroy herself.
During his time in space, Sonic located Tails' parents on the Bem homeworld of Argentium - Amadeus and Rosemary Prower. Both had been taken by the Bem Ceneca-9009 during Robotnik's original takeover, and Amadeus was de-roboticized. Both had been taken back to the Bem homeworld where they had been living ever since. After breaking Ceneca-9009 out of prison, Sonic was provided with a ship to take him through the Bem's artificial wormhole back to Mobius. The ship however was too small to bring Ceneca-9009 or Tails' parents along, forcing Sonic to return alone.

Return to MobiusEdit Return to Mobius section

Having finally made it back home, Sonic quickly landed. To his surprise however, much had changed in the short time he was gone. While it was mere weeks for Sonic in space, back on Mobius over a year had passed. In Sonic's absence, Dr. Eggman had declared full-scale war on both the Kingdom of Acorn and the Republic of Station Square. To make matters worse, Eggman had developed two nuclear warheads which he was preparing to launch at both cities. In addition to this, he deployed an army of new-model SWATbots to take out the shield surrounding the radioactive wasteland of Robotropolis, which would result in the waste poisoning Knothole.
After a quick welcome home reception with friends and family, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters departed immediately to stop Eggman from launching the warheads, while the Chaotix, Amy Rose and G.U.N. went to stop the robotic hordes from taking down Robotropolis' force field. In the harbor of Old Megaopolis, Sonic first encountered Eggman's robotic "daughter" Mecha, while Tails struggled to outsmart Eggman's computer-virus "son" A.D.A.M.. Shortly before the missiles launched, Bunnie successfully destroyed the aircraft carrier which was harboring them, though this was only due to the fact that Tails distracted A.D.A.M. long enough for her to act.
Shortly after this, Sonic spent time getting used to his old home of Knothole with friends. The next few days however proved just as difficult for the blue blur. Sonic and Sally suffered a heart-wrenching breakup, and Sonic's father was temporarily killed by a Tommy Turtle Auto Automaton. However, things took a better turn when Sonic and Sally found the real Tommy Turtle and rescued him from Dr. Eggman's clutches.

Fighting the Eggman EmpireEdit Fighting the Eggman Empire section

When Knuckles received word that his father Locke had been captured by the Dingo Regime, which placed the location of the Master Emerald in jeopardy, Sonic accompanied him and the Chaotix to Angel Island to launch a rescue mission. Sonic's assistance resulted in the liberation of one of the many concentration camps and the successful rescue of Locke.
Shortly afterwards, Sonic found himself pursuing Shadow the Hedgehog into a mysterious underground bunker. Unbeknownst to him, Dr. Eggman was equally interested in this bunker, and sent the recreated Metal Sonic to discover its secrets as well as defeat both Sonic and Shadow. The trio went head-to-head while Tails and the other Freedom Fighters discovered the history of Mobius from the ancient robot Isaac. Eventually, Metal Sonic and Isaac allied while Sonic and Shadow formed a temporary alliance in order to stop Isaac from launching a nuclear missile. With Shadow's help, Sonic managed to prevent the missile from launching and defeated Metal Sonic.

Evil Sonic's MischievousnessEdit Evil Sonic's Mischievousness section

Using a device created by Anti-Rotor, Evil Sonic managed to transport himself to the prime zone and knock Sonic unconscious. He then dressed himself in Sonic's attire while dressing Sonic in his and dumped him in Anti-Mobius while replacing Sonic in the prime zone. Upon awakening, Sonic woke up to the Anti-Freedom Fighters beating on him. Shortly afterwards however he managed to subdue them and use Anti-Rotor's device to return to the prime zone. However, even after his defeat, Evil Sonic managed to remain in the prime zone.
On Sonic and Anti-Sonic's birthday, Anti-Sonic attempted to obtain the Master Emerald with the help of Rouge the Bat. Locke fought them off, but was nearly defeated when Anti Sonic decided to fight dirty and used weapons. Locke managed to prevent evil duplicate from using the Master Emerald to transform completely, though a partial transformation mutated Evil Sonic into the being soon to be known as Scourge. With his new powers, Scourge fought both Sonic and Shadow back at Knothole Village; despite having the upper hand, the duo proved too much for Scourge and he fled, with Rouge, into a mysterious Warp Ring.

The Darkest StormEdit The Darkest Storm section

Following the Scourge fiasco, Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters were surprised to see Tails' uncle Merlin Prower arrive on the scene with Sir Connery. Merlin was hoping to use the powers of the Source of All from King Max's crown to ensure Mammoth Mogul remained trapped inside a Chaos Emerald. Before he could do this however, the Arachne released Ixis Naugus from the Egg Grape Chambers, the dimensional breach killed the Ancient Walkers and allowing Mammoth Mogul to escape confinement. Soon afterwards, Sonic, the Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix, Merlin and Sir Connery found themselves facing off against the Destructix, the Arachne, Ixis Naugus and Mammoth Mogul. When Sir Connery sacrificed himself to render the Sword of Acorns and the Crown of Acorns powerless and wound Mammoth Mogul, the tides seemed to shift into the allies' favor. However, Dr. Eggman's Egg Fleet soon arrived on the scene and captured Mogul, Naugus, the Destructix and the Arachne, sending them to the Egg Grape Chambers. Sonic assumed Eggman would continue his attack, but Eggman stated he would crush Sonic and the Freedom Fighters on his own terms before returning to New Megaopolis.

Battle with A.D.A.M.Edit Battle with A.D.A.M. section

Following the capture of Mammoth Mogul and his followers, Anonymous revealed himself to in fact be Dr. Eggman's computer-virus "son" A.D.A.M. Before Eggman could erase A.D.A.M.'s programming, the latter transferred his files to the nanites. A.D.A.M. then proceeded to use the nanites to control Sonic's father Jules into bringing Tails to his super beacon, while forcing Eggman to contact Shadow to arrive there as well. A.D.A.M. then had both Super Shadow and Turbo Tails locked inside the beacon and used their immense powers to pull all of the Chaos Emeralds from throughout the universe to Mobius.
Sonic had followed his father to the beacon and moved in to stop A.D.A.M. before he could complete his schemes, Sonic using the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic. Though Sonic had the upper hand against A.D.A.M. even when the latter used the Chaos Emeralds to transform as well, Sonic found himself unwilling to attack Tommy Turtle, who A.D.A.M. was using as a host body as Tommy had come into contact with the nanites. Fortunately, Tommy managed to briefly gain control of his body and tell Sonic to let him die. The Egg Fleet soon arrived on the scene and Tommy was subsequently killed in front of Sonic's eyes. Shortly before his death, Tails and Shadow used their Chaos powers to open a portal to the Zone of Silence and send all of the Chaos Emeralds into that zone, thus causing The Great Harmony.

Invasion of the Eggman EmpireEdit Invasion of the Eggman Empire section

Not long after A.D.A.M.'s destruction, Eggman finally decided to use the Egg Fleet and destroy Knothole. When the invasion of Knothole began, Snively began by attacking Freedom HQ, sending everyone but Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy and NICOLE to the Egg Grape Chambers. While the latter four were trapped under the rubble of Freedom HQ, Sonic ran as quickly as he could to warn the others of the invasion. Just as he arrived at the front gates, the Acorn Castle exploded. Emerging from the wreckage was Dr. Eggman in his Egg Beater battle armor. Eggman proceeded to insult Sonic while utterly beating him. Sonic, pushed to the edge, attempted to take out the Egg Beater with a single attack by running at it at full speed from the other end of the continent. The attack merely dented the Egg Beater's shield, and Sonic was left bruised and beaten as Eggman left him in the ruins of Knothole.
Sonic refused to accept defeat however, and had originally intended on rescuing everyone by himself, telling Tails and the others to remain behind where they would be safe. Tails, furious at this, lashed out at Sonic. The two's bickering was interrupted by NICOLE, who stated she had a plan. The five headed out on a saucer-shaped vessel created by Tails to New Megaopolis to rescue their friends and families. Just as they arrived at the Egg Vineyard, Charmy Bee's Egg Grape Chamber was activated. However, Sonic managed to break him free just in time to prevent long-term damage. After Knuckles and Amy freed everyone from their Egg Grape Chambers, Eggman returned to the scene to prevent their escape. Unbeknownst to him, NICOLE, who had managed to take control of the former nanite city, also altered the weapons on the Egg Beater and Egg Fleet to transport the Mobians to the newly formed city of New Mobotropolis instead of back to the Egg Grapes. Sonic managed to distract Eggman long enough for NICOLE to change the programming, then allowed himself to be transported along with the others to New Mobotropolis.
Not long after being transported to their new city, the Mobians found themselves relying on the city's shields to protect them from the attacking Egg Fleet. Sonic decided to challenge Eggman once again, this time with assistance from the Knothole Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix. Their combined might allowed them to defeat the Egg Beater, which was designed specifically to fight Sonic. Eggman then fled the scene.

Sonic vs. TailsEdit Sonic vs. Tails section

By previously dating Fiona Fox, Sonic caused a strain on Tails' and his friendship. In a strange twist, Sonic’s own feelings were crushed when Fiona revealed that she preferred the evil Scourge over himself. This stress ultimately caused the two to be on opposite sides of a political schism in the Kingdom of Acorn, Tails supporting the side led by his father and Sonic remaining loyal to the House of Acorn. When Tails helped his mother break Amadeus out of jail, long suppressed hostility was released as he and Sonic fought with each other.
Tails was quick to bring up his fury at Sonic's lack of sensitivity, and refused to explain it to the baffled Hedgehog since he felt that Sonic would probably just ignore what he was saying again. Finally, the young Fox revealed that his main dispute with Sonic was over Fiona and Sonic's seeming dismissal of his feelings for her, and Sonic admitted that he had known about Tails' feelings and apologized, explaining that he had hoped that it would help Tails get over his crush. Having reconciled, the two headed off to stop a duel between Amadeus and Elias Acorn, only to find out that Sally had beaten them to it.

Enerjak's RebirthEdit Enerjak's Rebirth section

Following the battle with Tails and the creation of the Acorn Council, Sonic found himself facing off against Dr. Eggman's newest creation, the Egg Nautilus. Eggman had hoped to use the tentacles of his new machine to implant a virus into NICOLE and erase her. Sonic was able to stop Eggman's attempts by informing him that Enerjak was about to return. Eggman, realizing this posed a much more serious threat, formed a temporary alliance with Sonic so the two could stop the returning Enerjak. Shortly after Eggman departed, NICOLE informed Sonic there was trouble at the Acorn Airport. Racing over there, he found the Chaotix attacking the guards and demanding they be allowed to leave in order to find the missing Knuckles. After fending off against them, Sonic soon realized that the Chaotix should be free to search for Knuckles, and ended the fight. To satisfy both Sally's wishes for the Chaotix to remain within the safety of New Mobotropolis, and Julie-Su's desire to find Knuckles, Sonic and Tails were sent out on the Tornado 2 to Angel Island.
Sonic and Tails arrived at Angel Island hoping to find Knuckles. Realizing Knuckles was not at the chamber of the Master Emerald, they began searching the rest of the island. Soon they found that Enerjak had already been reborn and had not only completely removed the Dingo Regime and killed Kage Von Stryker, but had removed all of the Dark Legion's cybernetic enhancements and teleported the vast majority of surviving Echidnas to the ruins of Albion. Just before Sonic could attack him, Enerjak teleported away to New Mobotropolis. Sonic contacted New Mobotropolis before picking up Tails and racing back as fast as he could. Sonic and Tails arrived back at New Mobotropolis just in time to see Enerjak there, who had already disabled the city's shields.
Shortly after Sonic arrived back in New Mobotropolis, he found himself beside Shadow the Hedgehog, who had responded to Sally's distress call while Sonic and Tails were on Angel Island. Both Sonic and Shadow attempted to face off against Enerjak, but were no match for the Chaos demigod. It was during this confrontation that Sonic discovered Knuckles actually was Enerjak, and was under the influence of Dr. Finitevus. After being beaten by Enerjak, Dr. Eggman arrived on the scene and transported the Chaos demigod to the Egg Grape Chambers to use as a living battery to power his city. Before Sonic and the others could come up with a plan to rescue Knuckles, he and Julie-Su were pulled onto Angel Island via Warp Ring by Knuckles' father Locke, who had recruited the two to defeat the Destructix and retrieve the Brotherhood of Guardians special weapon to stop Enerjak.
Sonic, Julie-Su and Locke managed to evade the Destructix with the help of Archimedes and located the secret weapon. Instead of allowing it to be used however, Sonic destroyed it, since its use would have not only stopped Enerjak, but caused Knuckles' death. Sonic quickly headed towards the Master Emerald and used its power to transform into Super Sonic before Enerjak had a chance to recharge. With his new invulnerability and support powers, Super Sonic went head to head with Enerjak. While Enerjak was distracted battling Super Sonic, Locke sacrificed his own life to break the hex Dr. Finitevus placed on the Master Emerald. This resulted in Knuckles losing his powers and returning to normal.

Mogul's Rise and SchemesEdit Mogul's Rise and Schemes section

After the Enerjak rampage Sonic's former love interest, Mina Mongoose, finally returned from her world tour. Ash Mongoose, Mina's boyfriend, apologized to Sonic for being a jerk to him back when he thought Mina was still in love with him. Sonic then took Mina to the ruins of Knothole and to the new Freedom HQ. NICOLE told Sonic that Mammoth Mogul wanted to see him at the detention center. Sonic went there only to be told to allow Mogul to be released, otherwise he would make a new Fearsome Foursome. Sonic, who thought this was a joke, chuckled and left. While everyone was sleeping however, Mogul used his powers to call upon the ones he had "marked" in the past. This included Mina, Mighty the Armadillo and Tails. The fourth member would be a convinced Sonic. With Sonic's friends now under mind control, Mogul attempted to have them defeat Sonic.
When they were unable to do this, Mogul threatened to have them all commit suicide, Tails by flying too high until he ran out of oxygen and fell to his death, Mina would run out into the middle of the ocean then stop and drown, and Mighty would march into New Megaopolis, defenseless and be killed by the Dark Egg Legion. Sonic understood that Mogul had him cornered and unless he did as Mogul asked his three friends would die. Mogul offered to return Sonic's three friends in exchange for the Chaos Emerald held in New Mobotropolis. With the help of Ash, Sonic retrieved the emerald and gave it to Mogul. Surprisingly, the tyrant kept his word. With the power of the Chaos Emerald merged with him, Mogul regained his powers. He freed the other prisoners in New Mobotropolis and explained to Sonic that, while he senses fate will not allow him to defeat Sonic once and for all, he is immortal once more and will spend his time making Sonic's life miserable. On that note, he vanished with the others.
Mogul then took over Robotnik's old Casino Night Zone and changed it to his own image. Rouge the Bat and Geoffrey St. John were working together to keep a eye on Mogul and his casino, which was a great success. Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts along with other outdated Badniks were recruited by Mogul as well as the Destructix. Mogul said to the Destructix that he will pay them handsomely for Sonic's shoes. He told them that it was up to them if his feet were still in them. Meanwhile Tails' uncle Merlin removed Mogul's curses from Tails, Mina and Mighty. Additionally he purged any possible curses from Sonic and Knuckles, stating he wanted to ensure that the hex Dr. Finitevus put on the Master Emerald didn't have any lasting effects. Following Merlin's departure, Sonic spent some time talking alone with Sally about their past and feelings for one another. Their conversation was interrupted by Bean and Bark and the Destructix. Eventually, Sonic was knocked out by a shot from Nack the Weasel, who then gave Sally ten seconds to run for help while Sonic was dragged off by the Destructix. Sonic was soon liberated by Sally Acorn, Amy Rose, and Geoffrey . When the heroes confront Mogul however, he denies all claims of wrong-doing as his accusers lack any incontrovertible evidence. Sonic and his friends were then sent away, publicly humiliated.

Dealing with the Suppression Squad

Following the Casino Night fiasco, Sonic, Knuckles and the Chaotix were sent to New Megaopolis to deal with the Dark Egg Legion. During their absence, the Suppression Squad came to Mobius Prime via the Star Posts and began attacking Freedom HQ. The Chaotix felt they could deal with the Dark Egg Legion alone, and sent Sonic back to Freedom HQ in response to their distress call. However, after Sonic left, Dimitri showed up in a massive robotic body looking like a praying mantis, to which Vector stated it was likely not a wise idea to send Sonic away after all. Sonic arrived back at Freedom HQ just as Scourge, self-declared King of Moebius (formerly known as Anti-Mobius) following his successful invasion of the planet, emerged. Sonic and Scourge battled, as did the rest of their respective gangs. Unfortunately, they found themselves matched blow-for-blow, and the repeated use of energy weapons took it's toll on the base. Rather than loose the base (and by extension their lives), Sally convinced Sonic to have them retreat. Scourge's taunting, however, enraged Sonic to the point he assured his friends and the Chaotix, returning from their successful mission, the Squad would only occupy the base temporarily.
A couple of days later, Sonic, having rested up and prepared for a counterattack, went before the Acorn Council with Knuckles, only to find them in debate over whether to re-take Freedom HQ. In the end, the Council (save for Uncle Chuck and Rotor) voted to focus their attacks on the weakened Eggman Empire and re-take the base later. Sonic refused to accept their decision, and later prepared to take the base back with Knuckles. Sonic was surprised to find Knuckles supporting the Council. His efforts to convince him that he privately didn't agree with them and he must do what he thought was right led to Knuckles yelling at Sonic that he already did so, and now his father was dead, and walk away in tears, telling Sonic to do what he wanted. Sonic decided to take Freedom HQ back on his own. As he arrived at Freedom HQ, Sonic discovered Scourge was battling a new version of Metal Sonic. Offering a temporary truce to help defeat the robo duplicate, Scourge declined. Shortly afterwards, Dr. Eggman dispatched his new metal duplicate, Metal Scourge.
Metal Sonic and Metal Scourge together proved more difficult to defeat for Sonic and Scourge, thus Sonic started helping Scourge out. The Suppression Squad remained watching the battle, unwilling to help Scourge. Eventually however, as the battle began getting worse, The Suppression Squad joins the battle as Scourge's request, resulting in the destruction of the robotic-duplicates. Sonic proceeds back to New Mobotropolis, only to learn he is being sent on a mission of invade Anti Mobius, his punishment being Amy Rose joining him on the mission.
As Sonic and Amy got ready to go into Moebius, Rotor informed them that they will end up in a random location on Moebius. Sonic and Amy wind up in Moebius near Anti Julian's base. Soon, Sonic and Amy found themselves under attack by what seemed to be a giant robot, though the battle was stopped by the kindly Anti Robotnik, who explained the robot was in fact an Omega Care Unit keeping Buns Rabbot alive. After explaining Scourge's invasion of Mobius and their please for help, Buns suggested seeking out Rosy the Rascal as she detested Scourge, though Julian was opposed to this as she was apparently mentally unstable. Meanwhile, Miles from the Suppression Squad was sent to bomb New Mobotropolis. The Freedom Fighters arrive on the scene, only to see that Miles is actually willing to propose an alliance against Scourge. After Miles explains how Scourge took over there world, Sally agree`s on helping him. Despite this, Sonic, Amy and Buns set out to locate Rosy, eventually discovering her in Moebius' version of Castle Acorn. After a brief conversation, Sonic and Amy soon learned how crazy Rosy was when she attacked them.
Buns and Amy fended off Rosy, while Sonic went back to Mobius for assistance. However, the Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were too busy fighting off Scourge the Hedgehog. When Sonic tried to stomp Scourge, he was blocked by Fiona. She told him that she stopped trusting everyone around her. Sonic than corrected her, saying she was fighting hard for Scourge. Furious, Fiona started crying and attacking Sonic. Amy then shouted at Sonic to hurry back to Mobius, before Rosy went any more crazier. But before he went back, he ran in another room and punched Scourge. Afterwards, they were both blasted by Boomer and thrown back into Moebius by Miles. Afterwards, Boomer shut down the star posts; therefore, Sonic and Scourge couldn't come back to Mobius. As soon as Sonic got up, he was attacked by Rosy, who stopped Amy and Buns.
The fight is interrupted when Shadow arrives by using Chaos Control. Though he was actually looking for the Special Zone, Sonic asked if he wanted to help him to defeat Scourge, to which he reply's "sure". Metal Sonic arrived shortly after, followed by Silver the Hedgehog and Rob O' the Hedge. The group of hedgehogs then got involved in a massive brawl, including Amy and Rosy. During the battle, Silver became confused because he could not determine which of the hedgehogs was Sonic. After Silver attempted to find out who Sonic was by asking, he eventually found out who it was. He proceeded to attack Sonic but was stopped by Rob O' the Hedge who demanded an explanation. After Silver explained, Sonic proposed a truce for everyone to team up against Scourge. In response, Scourge rushed to the throne room, followed by Sonic and Shadow, turning the tables on everyone by turning into Super Scourge using the Anarchy Beryl in his throne.
Scourge defeated them, leaving them unconscious and Sonic in his hands. When the Knothole Freedom Fighters and the Suppression Squad (minus Rotor and Fiona) arrived, Scourge quickly dispatched them, as the others woke up, Sonic picked himself up, but was quickly attacked by Metal Sonic. Shadow then came and helped Sonic, sending Metal Sonic and himself away to a different zone. Sonic then joined in a dog pile on top of Scourge after Silver tried his psychokinesis on Sally's orders, so they could hold down Scourge long enough for him to lose his super form, but Silver's power failed him and Scourge threw the others off of him. While he seemed to be unbeatable, Sonic eventually realized the Anarchy Beryl would have a different (and negative) effect on Scourge to contrast the positive effect the Chaos Emeralds had on him once the transformation ended. Luring Super Scourge away from the others, Sonic managed to stall for time until Super Scourge de-transformed. As Sonic speculated, the Anarchy Beryl drained him of what energy he had left in his normal form, leaving him vulnerable. Sonic subsequently defeated Scourge and captured him.

Zone LockdownEdit Zone Lockdown section

While Sonic was taking Scourge to the Zone Cops via the Cosmic Highway, Scourge broke loose and tried to escape, but he and Sonic were then arrested by Zone Cops Zector and Zespio for going through zones during a zone lockdown. The cops then took Sonic and Scourge to see Zonic via a Warp Ring. They arrive in a ruined No Zone and Scourge managed to escape by kicking the others out of the way and attempted to fully destroy the No Zone. Sonic and the Zone Cops then met up with Zonic and together they battle Scourge. During the battle, Zonic explained to Sonic that the Zone Cops had been fighting a villain called Dr. Nega, whom Sonic had previously encountered when he was in Blaze the Cat's world. They quickly captured Scourge thanks to Sonic's skills and Zonic's special Control Collar. Sonic then asked Zonic when he was taking away Eggman as he was not from Mobius Prime, but Zonic explained he wasn't because "Sonic-Prime has to fight a Robotnik, and this one is the best candidate to fill in". Sonic was then brought back home by Zector and he then returned to his parents to talk.

Battle to Bring Down EggmanEdit Battle to Bring Down Eggman section

The next day, Sonic took part in the advance against the Egg Dome, along with the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix. First knocking out Dark Legion troops, Sonic distracted Lien-Da and the Dark Egg Legion while the Chaotix flanked them. While the Chaotix attacked, Sonic spin-dashed through Lien-Da's flying pod. He was then attacked by Lien-Da, who whipped him, but was then saved by Antoine. After the Dark Egg Legion withdrew, Sonic was tossed up into the air by Vector, Knuckles, Tails and Bunnie to get on top of the attacking Egg Phoenix. Distracting Eggman and forcing the vehicle to stall, Sonic then jumped off while Charmy, Saffron and Ray planted the Neutralizing Mines on the Egg Phoenix. Ray then carried Sonic to the ground while the Egg Phoenix crashed. Sonic attempted to capture Eggman from the wreckage, but Eggman escaped in a hover pod. Sonic hoped to continue the attack, but Sally said that was enough for the day, and they would finish the battle tomorrow.
During the night, Sonic was awakened by Shadow the Hedgehog to ask for his assistance in deactivating Eggman's new weapon, a laser capable of destroying the Freedom Fighters' force field, their camp, and half of the Eggdome. Sonic questioned why Eggman would build something so over the top, and Shadow explained that intelligence suggests the doctor is losing his last grasp on reality. Sonic disagreed, citing that Eggman hasn't stooped that far yet. The two hedgehogs and Rouge the Bat attempted to disable the Doom Laser, but accidentally shifted it into firing position. After Shadow destroyed it with his Chaos powers, he nearly fell off the ruined cannon. Sonic managed to grab his hand, and stated they weren't going through the whole Shadow falling to his death situation again. Sonic then asked if Shadow was going to join the Freedom Fighters in the final battle against Eggman, to which Shadow replied that he owed Sonic much gratitude and the least he could do is allow Sonic to settle things with the doctor himself. The two shook hands and Sonic departed, and Rouge pointed out she was surprised how far their relationship had come along.
The Freedom Fighters proceeded to attack Robotnik's base where Sonic proceeds in bringing Robotnik down once and for all. Submitting taunts and reminders of his previous defeats he smashes Robotnik's machine to pieces. Whilst gloating in this fact he witnesses Robotnik's mental breakdown and becomes slightly concerned. When Sally appears to assist him, she asked Sonic was he did to him, in which he replies that he just beat him as usual. Snively arrives to explain that Sonic, after their long years of fighting,he has finally broken Robotnik's spirit, being he is able to defeat him easily depite Robotnik's high intelligence and planning. Whilst leaving the base Amy and Tails show concern for Sonic, who has been affected by Robotnik's breakdown, though he tells them he's fine. Later a talk with Sally shows he was unsure what he was meant to do now it was over though Sally replies moving forward would be the best thing. They all headed back to New Mobotropolis to celebrate their victory.

The Iron Dominion 

Eggman's defeat, however, did not destroy his empire. During the concert to celebrate the recent victory, Mina was blasted by something. That "something" happened to be Monkey Khan, who was furious that the "heroes" were playing around when the world was still in trouble. After a confrontation by Sonic and Sally, M.K. went on to explain that even though Eggman was defeated, "she" is now in control. After explaining, Sonic and Monkey Khan left to face this new threat. However, on their way in, they found themselves being attacked by the Dark Egg Legion and the Yagyu Ninjas. During the attack they learned that the Dominion where no pushovers, and that Lightning Lynx, and Espio have joined their ranks. Sonic and Monkey Khan where outnumbered and forced to flee. Afterwards, Sonic spoke with 3 of the council members(Sally, Knuckles, and King Acorn) to explain their current situation between the Iron Dominion. With Eggman defeated, its back to "Square 1" with the Freedom Fighters to fight the Iron Dominion. Though Monkey Khan isn't okay with this failure, in fact he told them he added this failure to his "long list of failures." Because he told them while he was walking out of the council room "disappointed about his failure" that he was a King. When Sonic tried to ask Monkey Khan what he meant by "King", he attacked Sonic, enraged. Monkey Khan later managed to calm down and also said that there are no Freedom Fighters in the Dragon Kingdom.
Not long after, Rory, Sasha, and Snaggle began throwing rocks at Monkey Khan because he ruined Mina's concert. Sonic quickly took the rocks from the children and threatened to tell Rosie if they threw rocks at Monkey Khan again. Sonic later tried to subdue Bunnie when her cybernetics her being controlled by Regina's Magitek; in the end, Sonic managed to stop Regina's concentration, free Bunnie, and take her to Freedom HQ so she can recover. Monkey Khan was later controlled by Regina and was about to attack Rory, Sasha, and Snaggle but Sonic managed to pick them up and move them out of harms way and attacked Monkey Khan, trying to bring him to his senses, but all in vain. Sonic then got an idea to use a Power Ring from the Lake of Rings to change Monkey Khan back. Being as impatient as ever, Sonic asked Nicole why he wasn't seeing any rings and she told him that it takes time. After seeing Mighty and Vector flying over head, (they tried to attack Monkey Khan and he used an attack on them) Nicole tried to re-route some power. Monkey Khan then managed to find Sonic and was about to attack him, when a Ring appeared from the lake. Sonic managed to get the ring on Monkey Khan's head just as they landed in the water. Monkey Khan then returned to his normal self and told everyone that Regina took control of him and had him destroy the Dragon Kingdom Freedom Fighters. Sonic then ran off to check on Bunnie and wished M.K. luck trying to find his Atom-Bat in the lake.
Sonic and Tails then heard news that Eggman has escaped his cell and was trying to find Knothole (since his insanity caused him to forget that he destroyed Knothole) but the new Iron Dominion was trying to get to him as well. Sonic and Tails managed to reach Eggman before the Iron Dominion but Eggman was trying to destroy Sonic (as that was his sole mission after he went insane). But since Eggman was busy trying to destroy Sonic, he didn't notice Tails sneak under the Egg-Tortoise and caused it to short-circuit. And while Eggman was wondering "Why tortoise no workie?", Sonic tried to talk to him. Eggman then punched Sonic in the face and passes out after laughing maniacally. But then the Iron Dominion caught up to them and Sonic told Tails to take Eggman to New Mobotropolis while he took on a fraction of the Iron Dominion's forces (which were an unknown amount of Yagyu Ninjas, Dark Legionnaires, the Iron King, Iron Queen, and Snively); Sonic stated that he's going to let himself go a little, reflecting on what Scourge said, and defeated the forces rather quickly. Regina the orders Jun Kun to stop Sonic, which he did. But the Freedom Fighters came to assist Sonic and Sonic and Tails teamed up to take out Regina and Snively's saucer and Sonic proposes to attack again but Sally orders a retreat. Sonic then picks up Sally, Amy, Tails, and Antoine (in that order) and rushes them into New Mobotropolis before Nicole raises the shield. Jun Kun then tries to break the shield down with his strength, but to no avail and Monkey Khan and Bunnie taunt them from inside the city and the Iron Dominion is forced to retreat. Later on Sonic visits Eggman, who was put in prison when Tails reacher the city earlier, and Eggman is still talking complete babble, first he thinks Sonic is Sir Charles and the Great War is over, that part being true, then he again asks who Sonic is, to which Sonic just replies his name, Eggman then says "Ah, so I missed, how do you like the smoldering crater that is your kingdom, your Majesty," and laughs. Then immediatly he goes to back before the Great War and asks if has already defected to the Mobian side, Sonic, being fed up with trying to convince the doc what is going on, just agrees with what the doc is saying and says "Yeah" to answer the question Eggman asked, "It's the Great War and you're in protective custody," Eggman just says he'll rest up for his audience with the King and falls asleep. Sonic just sighs and goes to leave the prison. He meets Monkey Khan on the way out and they talk as they walk out, M.K asks Sonic how and why he can show mercy and sympathy to someone who is such a monster, giving examples of some of the things he did in the past, to which Sonic replies that he doesn't know, that he moves to fast to have time to be vengeful and that he just does what is right at the time, Monkey Khan is obviously shocked by what Sonic said, but says that Sonic is either a Zen Master or a Fool, but either way he is impressive, Sonic takes the compliment and also compliment M.K on helping Bunnie get her little victory earlier on.
After failing to get into the city the Iron King goes to attack Fort Acorn, a stronghold that stands between the old city that got destoryed by missiles and is barely anything, but radioactive slag and Eggman's new city, along with the rest of the environment, Amadeus Prower and some soliders are there protecting it, but are not having much luck againest the Iron King. Meanwhile back in New Mobotropolis Sally and Monkey Khan are talking about what has happened since M.K was there last and M.K says he's amazed that they are all still together, but this reminds Sally of her's and Sonic's break up, M.K says he didn't mean to make her upset, but she reasurres him that she and Sonic have patched up their friendship, but it was mostly Sonic's doing and that he was the bigger person, M.K doesn't believe this and Sally says that those were sweet words coming from such a hot-head, to which M.K says that he is saying what he has felt since they met, but NICOLE interupts with news that the iron king is attacking Fort Acorn, she tells them that she has already sent Sonic and Tails, but Monkey Khan is lost and the girls explain what Fort Acorn is, that NICOLE used her nanites to an energy converter that cleans up the slag and provides the city with power, all caught up M.K goes to assist Sonic and Tails. Things are going bad for the soilders at Fort Acorn until Sonic cuts in, Sonic distracts the ion king while Tails evacuates everyone from the site. Sonic, having no better ideas at the moment, runs around the iron king to make the ground beneth him cave in, leaving him trapped in the earth, Sonic, being his usual sarcastic self, says that he could plant tomatoes around him and call him the "Iron Planter", but the iron king started to break free, Sonic said, "Would you prefer beans?" and the Iron King breaks out and catches Sonic by surprise, but Monkey Khan steps in just in time, the two throw around titles and poses, Sonic's words, and Sonic waits for them to finish. Back in New Mobotropolis Sally is visiting Bunnie, just as Antoine is leaving to get some lunch for Bunnie and himself, Sally and Bunnie discuss the dilema Sally is in of falling for Monkey Khan, although she doesn't say that it's him she is falling for, Bunnie describes what kind of guy Sally is into, which also describes Sonic to a "T" and describes Monkey Khan, but not as much as Sonic, Sally thanks Bunnie for the advice and leaves. The iron King has got both Sonic and Monkey Khan in his grasp and sturggles to decide who to destory first, but the two escape from his grasp and the iron king goes to destory the shield and the energy converter, Monkey Khan repeats that the iron king stole the fan of Fen Xing and that the iron king has no other weaknesses besides his ego and that he isn't very smart. Then an Idea hits Sonic and he goes to put it into action while M.K serves as the distraction, asking NICOLE to do something for him he goes back to the iron king and tells him that they give up, on one condition; that the iron king only destorys the energy converter and leaves the shield. Both the iron King and M.K are shocked, but as the iron king goes to destory it M.K discovers Sonic's real plan; that the energy converter has been rebuilt underground and that the iron king is smashing an empty shell, the two go back to the city and they tell Sally about what has happened, Sally then pulls Monkey Khan away to talk, while Amy and Sonic go to Uncle Chuck's Diner, Sonic's treat.
Snively figures out a way to get past the shield protecting New Mobotopolis, the Iron Queen wouldn't talk to him until he did, and they all go to mount a full scale attack against the freedom fighters. Sonic finds Tails putting the finishing touches on the new Biplane and the two get talking, but are interupted when the alarm goes off and rush to find NICOLE for a report, Sally and Monkey Khan had the same idea and all four get their at the same time, NICOLE tells them that the Iron Queens forces are attacking and made no attempt to hide it. NICOLE goes to confront the iron queen, but ends up being controlled by her technomagic, now being know as Iron NICOLE, she lets the Iron King and the other forces in. They start attacking everyone and just as Bunnie is trying to get away, she is blocked by a metal cover that covers the entire city, all the civilains in the city are panicing, Sonic is trying to calm them down, but its not working. Sonic, Tails, Sally and Monkey Khan get reunited, it was hard to find each other as it was really dark then lights came on, but it was still hard to see where you were going, and they start formulating a plan. The Iron King attacks, Khan fends him off so Sonic, Tails and Sally can use the Tornado to escape. Antoine, Bunnie and Vector use a warp ring to get some of the civilians away to Angel Island, and when Bunnie and Antoine start to attack again, they are thwarted by Iron NICOLE, she takes control of her nanites and big hands come up from the ground and grab everyone. The Tornado's tail Is grabbed as well, but Sonic gets them free. Khan notices they can't get out and he goes to assist them when Amy steps in to take care of the Iron King, with the four out they set off to Freedom HQ to save their city.
At Freedom HQ Sally started blaming herslef for what happened, Monkey Khan tried to comfort her, but Sonic's words took better effect ("So stop wallowing in self-pity and start coming up with a plan,"). Since Tails couldn't type as fast as he needed to, Sonic suggested that they use the same thing they used to access Gerald's Diary when Shadow needed their help. Sonic and Sally went into cyberspace to deal with the Iron Queen and to change NICOLE back to normal. Sonic found out the hard way that NICOLE had no limitations here and could match Sonic's attacks, Sally tired to get through to her, but then the Iron Queen shows up and starts attacking them. Many of the people in New Mobotropolis have been imprisoned and Eggman is starting to get a hold of reality again. Tails and Monkey Khan have some disagreements about NICOLE and they fight over it, where Tails' wins thanks to what he says. Sally tries to make a firewall, but is thwarted by the iron queen, Sonic, at the time he was dealing with Iron NICOLE, goes on the offensive and attacks the Iron Queen, while Sally delt with Iron NICOLE. She managed to help her break free of the Iron Queens magic and she told Sally about what was happening at the city. NICOLE agreed to act as Iron NICOLE while Sally and the others were away and she broke the box Sally trapped her in, just as Sonic was thrown down by the Iron Queen. Tails got the two out of there before the iron queen had the chance to attack again. The team then set off to break the ties between the three clans in the Dragon Kingdom and the Iron Dominion.

Journey to the EastEdit Journey to the East section

Soon after the arrival at the Temple of the Golden Lotus, Sally, Tails, and Monkey Khan were captured by the Gossamer Clan to ensure Sonic's willingness to meet with the bride of endless reach. Sonic went to the Gossamer Clan's lair being led by one of the ninjas themselves, and his friends were released upon his arrival. Despite Sonic's interruptions, Sally and Monkey Khan managed to convince the Bride of the Endless Reach to turn against the Iron Dominion so their could be peace with the Free People. They all returned to the Temple of the Golden Lotus and were given food and drink, but their enjoyment at turning one of the clans was short-lived as theYagyu Clan wished to meet with them.
After being ambushed by several Yagyu members, who believed the four heroes were travelers, Sonic & co. traveled with one member to their headquarters. Sonic and Tails were then ejected from a meeting with the Yagyu Lord, who felt uncomftorable having Sonic in his lair of discussing business in front of a child like Tails, and were then approached by Fiona Fox and the original Fearsome Foursome, minus Lightning Lynx. Sonic and Tails briefly battled the quartet and were aided by Sally and Khan before Fiona called a cease of hostilities. Revealing that she had taken over leadership of the Destructix, Fiona explained that they planned to recover Lightning Lynx from the Raiju Clan, and desired a truce with the Freedom Fighters. Reluctantly-and with heated contention between Fiona and Sally-the two teams stormed the Iron Fortress where the Raiju Clan had established themselves. After fighting through a number of Raiju Warriors, they found the Bride of Conquering Storm, who refused to break away from the Iron Dominion unless Monkey Khan's party could prove themselves worthy. Khan proposed a dual of champions to decide the clan's fate, and asked Sonic to represent their side in battle against Lightning. After defeating the Lynx, whom he apologized to for humiliating him in front of his clan, Sonic and the others left the Iron Fortress in the hands of the Raiju Clan, the Destructix leaving to pursue their own agenda. As the group considered how to go about contacting the Shinobi Clan, Espio appears to offer them help.

Returning to New Mobotropolis and Further AdventuresEdit Returning to New Mobotropolis and Further Adventures section

Later, their mission in the Dragon Kingdom completed, Sonic and his teammates returned to New Mobotropolis to confront the Iron Queen. They arrived just in time to aid Amy, Antoine, and Geoffrey St. John, and were aided in turn as NICOLE revealed her true colors by attempting to capture the Iron Queen. Sonic made the first move, knocking down the Iron King only to be embraced by a joyful Amy. While Khan announced to the Yagyu that their clan had broken ties with the Dominion, Sonic joined the others in a mass assault on the Iron King, who despite their combined efforts refused to fall. Khan remarked that the only reliable way to defeat him was with the Fan of Fen Xing, and both were then surprised as Espio appeared between them with the magic artifact in question. Allowing Khan the honor of defeating the Iron King, Sonic let out a parting shot as the Iron King was blown out of New Mobotropolis. The Iron Queen, her allies scattered, then took control of a large number of nanites in order to create a giant mechanical Dragon in which to make her escape. However, attacks by Tails, Amy, and finally Sonic brought the machine down, allowing the Iron Queen to be taken into custody. Sonic was then embraced by Amy yet again as the group celebrated their victory. A week later, Sonic took Tails and NICOLE's handheld form to the Eggdome, apparently the latest in a series of almost obsessive searches for the missing Dr. Robotnik. Failing to locate their hidden enemy, the pair did detect a signal coming from a locked storage room, where they found Dimitri trapped in a box. The pair took him back to New Mobotropolis for treatment, Sonic rushing off just in time to meet Sally as she returned from the Dragon Kingdom. He was then surprised as she asked him to join her for lunch, remarking that it would be "just like old times."
After the defeat of the dominion, Lupe invited Sonic and Sally to become honorary members of the new Wolf Pack Nation. This led the duo into a conflict between the Wolves-underneath Lupe as Grand Chief-and the Felidae-under Queen Hathor-as they both accused each other of stealing a sacred artifact known as the Ancient Onyx. With some help from Big the Cat, the pair were able to uncover the thieves as a chapter of the Dark Egg Legion led by their old enemy Drago Wolf and a disgraced Felidae named Razorklaw, whose troops consisted of former members of both cultures. With some careful negotiation on Sonic's part, the Wolves and Felidae were persuaded to first cooperate, and then peacefully settle custody of the recovered Ancient Onyx. Sonic, Sally, and Big were then inducted into the Pack, though Sally expressed fears to Sonic that the strange artifact might be a Chaos Emerald, but the Hedgehog allayed them. (Sth: #213, #214)
Upon returning home, Sonic learned that the Arctic Freedom Fighters required backup in a mission to save the Walrus Herd from a new Dark Egg Legion chapter. He initially assumed that Rotor would be accompanying him, but was informed rudely by Hamlin that Rotor would be remaining in the city to fulfill his duties on the Council, and Rotor apparently agreed with Hamlin's assessment. Sonic subsequently traveled to the Northern Tundra alone, reuniting with Guntiver and his teammates before being informed that he would assist in a land-based operation against the Legion-held city of Iceborough. After learning of the Walrus Herd's high standing in the region, the reason for Robotnik's repeated attacks on the area, Sonic attempted to make light of the situation, though his jokes met with little appreciation. He and his allies then arrived at their destination, where the brainwashed Walrus Herd-influenced by a Psionic Emitter device and the Legion's sonar abilities-waited with various weapons to greet their would-be rescuers. Sealia, Flip and Augustus head underwater to attack the emitter from below while he, Erma and Guntiver tried to get passed the Walrus Herd from above and assault the top. After much fighting, Rotor and Silver the Hedgehog appeared and the latter managed to save the day by permanently restoring the Walrus Herd back to normal and blowing out some of the implants used by the orcas. Sonic and his friends then had a celebratory dinner in Iceborough before returning to New Mobotropolis. (StH: #215, #216)

Return of the KingEdit Return of the King section

On a rainy day, Sonic and Geoffery St. John were sent on a task to retrieve a Chaos Emerald from the Special Zone to restore the House of Acorn to their former glory, so they went to Freedom HQ to use the Sign Posts to enter the Special Zone. Once there, Feist proclaimed a challenge in which Sonic and St. John would race for the Chaos Emerald (this challenge is modelled after the Special Stage from Sonic 2) with Sonic winning (and even humming the theme that plays when the player gets the Emerald), only for St. John to betray him, stun him, take the Emerald, and kick Sonic into the endless abyss of the Special Zone.
Once Sonic was trapped in the Special Zone, he made an agreement with Feist if that he if could pass another challenge, he'd gain freedom to escape the special zone. Sonic won Feist's challenge and managed to escape, muttering an insult towards him as he exited the Special Zone. Sonic then reported to the Council of Acorn where he told Elias about Geoffery's betrayal and went to the other Freedom Fighters, telling them what had happened.
As they managed the incident Sonic went to go check on Mina's band, which was to perform at Central.. the day came to perform and St. John appeared before everyone on stage and introduced Ixis Naugus, enraged Sonic quickly rushed to fight the wizard while the Freedom Fighters fought St. John for his betrayal. Naugus entered the castle and closed all doors and openings to prevent Sonic from following him. Sonic ran up the walls of the castle and entered via a top window where the Coucil was located.. meanwhile, the Freedom Fighters fought St. John and couldn't take him down, yet they managed to trap him. St. John however, escaped using magic, revealing himself to be an Ixis, the team tried even harder to take him down with no luck in the end... meanwhile, Sonic stopped Naugus in his tracks before the Council of Acorn, Elias gave Sonic the Sword of Acorn to stop Naugus, the Hero and the Villain fought a great fight, Sonic was no match, Rotor told everyone on the Council to help in the fight but was interrupted, the Council then had an arguement about authority and who should be king, Elias or Naugus, Sonic not believing this was happening was enraged and tried to finish Naugus off but was stopped by Elias. Meanwhile, the Freedom Fighters continued to fight off St. John but with no afteraffect, Sally stopped the fight using a question of balance of authority, she went to go check up on NICOLE whose nanites were destroyed by Naugus, the city started murmuring about the difference in power between NICOLE and Naugus, saying Naugus could protect the city.. Sally started her way to the castle but was interrupted by a very large shadow coming from the skies.. an "earthquake" interrupted the settlement between Elias, Sonic, and Naugus.. Sonic of course blaming it on Naugus, but Naugus defending himself saying it was no earthquake, but a blast radius coming from a very far away distance, Sonic ordered Naugus to tear down the crystalized wall and the two headed outside only to see the shadow in the skies.. all of New Mobotropolis saw in the skies DEATH EGG 2! (S.T.H. #223, #224)

Sonic:GENESISEdit Sonic:GENESIS section

Return of the "good" doctor and his latest scheme.. the dreadful, horrid, powerful, doomsday project.. DEATH EGG 2! With Ixis Naugus at Sonic's side what events will unfold in this new storyarc...... tune in on S.T.H. #226-229

AbilitiesEdit Abilities section

Sonic's most notable ability is his super speed, allowing him to run at speeds surpassing mach 1. His speed allows him to perform impressive feats, such as vibrating at high speeds to such a degree that it allows him to pass through solid objects. In most times as well he can vibrate his molecules to heal himself faster. More amazing feats of Sonic's speed is his ability to ball up water, and throw it in 0000000000.1 of a millisecond, and move so fast that he can scoop up dirt, toss it in the air, and walk on it like a bridge. During the destruction of Knothole, Sonic revealed his true speed, by running to the east coast of the continent at high speeds, and running back at higher speeds. Causing large amounts of debris to follow behind, uprooting trees and large rocks.
His speed also increases his combat abilities. His "figure 8" move increases his speed, strength and allows him to briefly hover in midair. Spinning around in an upright position, Sonic can become a makeshift tornado, taking down any foes close to him. Sonic can achieve similar effects by spinning his arms around, propelling him into the air and defeating anyone caught in his path. By running in place on roads, he can turn it into tar, stopping his enemies in their tracks.
Another ability of Sonic's is the absorption of Power Rings, which he uses to get a boost of energy during battle as well as to facilitate his super transformations into such incarnations as Super Sonic, Ultra Sonic, Solar Sonic, Eco Sonic, and Polar Sonic. Following the destruction of Knothole, it is revealed that Sonic has absorbed so many Power Rings that their energy has given him increased healing abilities.
Additionally, while this version of Sonic was adventuring in outer space, he was implanted with a device allowing him to understand all languages (including those of 'regular' animals).
Sonic is also (like Shadow) a chaos being with the ability to manipulate chaos energy and form a shield, shoot energy balls, etc. Sonic also has direct access to the chaos force granting him extremely amplified chaos abilities more powerful than they would normally be, and a wide array of other chaos powers not available to other chaos beings without the direct access to the chaos force. After Eggman regained his sanity, he stated that Sonic is the physical embodiment of chaos, which is why Eggman could never win.
Also, being a hedgehog, which are a burrowing species, he also has an ability to dig. As shown when Enerjak (Knuckles) transported him underground, but sonic quickly resurfaced
   The Archie comic has the most complex love triangles of all Sonic related media. Love interests within the series include Sally Acorn, Amy Rose, Mina Mongoose, and Fiona Fox.

Sally AcornEdit Sally Acorn section

Sally and Sonic kissing
Sonic and Sally were childhood friends who used to play together in the royal palace during the time of the Great War. When the war started to go badly for the Mobians, Sonic and Sally were sent to the sanctuary of Knothole Village with many of the other children. When Dr. Robotnik eventually took over, the two were still in the haven of Knothole. As children, both Sonic and Sally witnessed the formation of the Original Freedom Fighters, and decided that years later they would follow in their footsteps.
Originally, Sonic and Sally first meet up when Sonic's uncle was captured and roboticized by Dr. Robotnik, and Sally assisted in Sonic's escape from Robotroplis. Due to their mutual anger towards the despot and loss of their parents/guardians, Sonic joined Sally's group of Freedom Fighters. The story was later retconned to have Sonic and Sally as childhood friends, and the two modeled the Knothole Freedom Fighters after the Original Freedom Fighters.
During their life as Freedom Fighters, Sonic and Sally regularly got on each others nerves, usually due to the former's ego and attitude and the latter's impatience with said qualities. However, over time this was usually used to hide their growing infatuation with one another. Despite their disagreements, the two had a strong commitment to the Freedom Fighters and to one another, and as their commonalities grew, so their they love and respect for one another.
Sally was temporarily involved in a love triangle between herself, Sonic and Geoffrey St. John, head of her father's Secret Service. After Sonic secretly stole the Sword of Acorns to try and de-roboticize his father, pressure began to mount from the Secret Service as they linked Sonic to the theft. Geoffrey, now King Elias' adviser, worked hard to impress Sally while he was busy antagonizing Sonic; he convinced Elias to take away Sonic's knighthood. During a long period of reconstruction that followed after Robotnik's defeat, Sally was involved with royal duties and could not make time for her former compatriots. With Bunnie's advice, Sally choose Sonic to be her royal consort, and one day her husband.
Following an encounter with the Xorda alien invaders, Sonic was lost in space for a year; Sally assumed, along with the world, that he was dead. When Sonic returned from space after a year (a month a half due to the Theory of Relativity) Sonic and Sally's love was rekindled. However, Sally decided that she could not bear the pain of losing him again after witnessing Sonic get injured by Dr. Eggman's "daughter" Mecha, and tried to convince him to give up his heroics. Sally had hoped to groom Sonic as the next King, but Sonic was mortified by the idea of not fighting against Eggman's growing threat. Sally gave Sonic an ultimatum: choose to be at her side, or to be a hero; Sonic chose to be the hero which earned him a slap across the face and the end of their relationship.
When King Max fell ill due to poisoning by Patch (an evil version of Antoine from the parallel universe of Anti Mobius, who has designs on ruling the Kingdom), he decided that the only way for Sally to rule the Kingdom of Acorn in his place was to marry Antoine. Sally reluctantly agreed, partially due to her anger with Sonic and partially because of her duty as princess. Before Patch could ascend the throne with Sally as his Queen, Prince Elias stepped in and retakes the throne. A desperate Patch attempted to murder Elias, but was interrupted by Sonic, who sent Patch back to his reality.
Some time later, Sally joined the Freedom Fighters on a sting operation against a group of villains who were (apparently) moving in to purchase the Master Emerald from Rouge the Bat. During this time, Sally admitted that seeing her and Antoine so close made her feel jealous, as well as upset at her emotional distance with Sonic. At Antoine and Bunnie's wedding, when the subject of marriage comes up, Sally flatly remarked she's perfectly happy remaining single.
During a nostalgic visit to the ruins of Knothole there appeared to be hope for their relationship.
Though it seemed that Sonic and Sally were on their way toward forming a new romance, Sally made a decision with support from Bunnie to test the waters with Monkey Khan. Sonic has shown some jealousy over it, particularly during their journey into the Dragon Kingdom. However, Unbeknownst to him Sally came to realize that she ended hers and Sonic's relationship badly, and maybe explore it with him more further. Upon her return from the Dragon Kingdom, Sally took Sonic out to lunch, which Sonic, in surprise, willingly accepted.

Amy RoseEdit Amy Rose section

Amy has been a maniacal fan of Sonic for years, sending numerous letters to him. Her affection for Sonic grew after he rescued her from Dr. Robotnik and Metal Sonic. She started the Sonic fan club in Knothole Village, and was also defending Sonic at his trial, after he was arrested for attacking Knothole as Mecha Sonic.
Fed up with being overlooked as just a "kid", Amy takes matters into her own hands and misuses the power of the Ring of Acorns to age her body from 8 to 12. While this does little to attract Sonic's attention, it is enough for Amy to gain recruitment into the Freedom Fighters.
Some time later, Amy received training from Knuckles' girlfriend, Julie-Su, so that she would not only become the "best" Freedom Fighter, but mostly so that she would win over Sonic's heart. She was also the one to first confront Fiona Fox about her betrayal of Sonic and the Freedom Fighters, after Tails revealed to her Fiona was actually in love with Evil Sonic.
After helping Sally rescue Sonic from the Destructix, Amy shows signs of jealousy towards Sally, whom Sonic gives his thanks to for the rescue. Shortly after, though, Sonic points out his recognition for her efforts, making Amy blush, overjoyed.
After Sally begins to show interest in Monkey Khan, Sonic rebounds with Amy by taking her out for Chili Dogs, his treat. Despite this, Sally eventually restored her relationship with Sonic, Amy has not yet show a reaction.

Mina MongooseEdit Mina Mongoose section

Mina was first found by Sonic while she was mourning the loss of her mother in the recently retaken Robotropolis during Dr.Robotnik's takeover. When Sonic's Uncle Chuck becomes a robot slave for the dictator once again, Sonic recklessly stole the Sword of Acorns to restore his uncle's free will. Along the way to Robotropolis, he ran into Mina, who lectured Sonic about stealing the sword. The two were ambushed by Eggman's COMbots, and Sonic chose to save Mina at the cost of losing the sword. Feeling grateful for saving her life, Mina provided an alibi for Sonic when the King's Secret Service started to suspect him for the theft.
When Mina finally mustered the courage to kiss Sonic, she was turned away, as Sonic was still in love with Sally. Meanwhile, Sally, who was locked away within the palace for a while due to her royal duties, finally decided to make an exit to see Sonic again. Posing as a servant girl, she exited the palace, arriving just in time to see the kiss between Mina and Sonic, causing her to believe Sonic's moved on.
Some time later, Mina was finally ready to join the Freedom Fighters. However, on her first mission, she discovered that she lacked the courage to act when engaged in conflict. She then realized she should not join the Freedom Fighters just for Sonic, and that she was unfit for the lifestyle. Shortly after, Mina discovers her talent as a singer when it gains Sonic's attention. With a little motivation from Sonic, Mina decides to start singing professionally.
Mina's singing career leads Sonic to slowly develop emotional feelings for her. However, just before Mina had the chance to ask Sonic out on a date, Sally was kidnapped by the fugitive Nack the Weasel. Mina embarks on a rescue mission with Sonic to save the princess, but is heartbroken when Sonic and Sally realize their true love for each other and kiss. During their moment of passion, Mina notices Nack ready to shoot Sally before making his escape. Mina takes the bullet, and tells Sonic she loves him before passing out. She is rushed to the hospital by Sonic and made a full recovery, though felt sad at the discovery Sonic loved Sally.
After Sonic's unexpected adventure in outer space (which strands him away from Mobius for a year), he returned home to find that his friends and family have all accepted his apparent death. Like Sally, Mina had also moved on while Sonic was away, and is dating her record manager, Ash. Although Mina briefly juggles her feelings for Sonic when he returns, she is quickly forced to reconcile with Ash when he is injured by a Bomb while trying to protect her. According to her, while she would always have a place in her heart for Sonic, she loves Ash, and not him.

Bunnie RabbotEdit Bunnie Rabbot section

While Bunnie has shown interest in Sonic since he rescued her from a roboticizer, these flirtations have been rare, in part because Bunnie is best friends with Sally and knows of her love for Sonic. Bunnie also gradually grew an interest in Antoine, which eventually lead to their marriage. Prior to their full commitment however, Bunnie and Sonic experienced minor cases of infatuation, particularly when Antoine is replaced by his Anti-Mobius self.
Bunnie and Antoine abruptly broke up when the latter started exhibiting unusually cruel behavior. In reality, Antoine had been replaced with the Anti-Mobius version of himself, Patch. While she is on the rebound, Bunnie is approached by another evil clone, Evil Sonic, who tries to seduce her until Tails stumbles upon both of them and loudly protests. Although Bunnie is initially put off by Evil Sonic's half-baked come-ons, she eventually start to play along, in hoped that it will drive Antoine insanely jealous. She has no idea that both Sonic and Antoine have been replaced by their evil doubles.
When A.D.A.M.'s nanites attempted to integrate Bunnie's robotic limbs into their systems, a quick-thinking Sonic convinced the machines that her "organic" half makes Bunnie unfit for their purposes. Once released, Bunnie planted a kiss on an equally-relieved Sonic, still ignorant to the fact it was Evil-Sonic she was with before.
Since the discovery of Patch and his sinister schemes, Bunnie has shown no signs of interest in Sonic. With Antoine returned back to this universe, the two rekindle their love and finally get married.

Fiona FoxEdit Fiona Fox section

For years, Fiona harbored a dislike towards Sonic, viewing him as selfish for leaving her behind in one of Robotnik's prisons, unaware he had no choice at the time. Her perception of Sonic changed after he supposedly died to protect Mobius from a Xorda alien attack.
Fiona's interest in Sonic irritates Tails, who harbors a secret love for her. Eventually Tails musters the will to confront Sonic and Fiona about his feelings, but Fiona rejects Tails because of their age difference. Fiona and Sonic became a couple at this point.
Sonic and Fiona are sweethearts until Fiona reveals her true nature; she is simultaneously dating Evil Sonic, and has defected from the Freedom Fighters to become a villainess. Fiona had fallen in love with Scourge while he briefly impersonated the real Sonic. After trying to find the same attraction in the real Sonic, she failed, realizing that she preferred his evil counterpart.


Super Sonic's character design from Sonic Adventure onward.
According to various official materials from Sega, Sonic is described as a character who is "like the wind":[25] a drifter who lives as he wants,[26] and makes life a series of events and adventures.[1] Sonic hates oppression and staunchly defends freedom.[27] Although he is mostly easy-going[26] he has a short temper[26] and is often impatient with slower things.[25] Sonic is a habitual daredevil hedgehog who is honest, loyal to friends, keeps his promises,[1] and dislikes tears.[28] He took the young Tails under his wing like a little brother,[29] but is uninterested in marital proposals from Amy Rose.[30] In times of crisis, he focuses intensely on the challenge[25] as if his personality had undergone an astonishing change.[1]
Sonic is known as the world's fastest hedgehog.[27] Sonic's greatest strength is his running speed, which is faster than the speed of sound.[28] Many of his abilities are variations on the tendency for hedgehogs to roll into tight balls for protection with the addition of spinning his body. Since his introduction in 1991's Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic's primary offensive maneuver is the basic "Spin Attack" (or "Sonic Spin Attack").[31] Later games in the series expanded on this basic attack and two of these enhancements have become mainstays of his: the Spin Dash which was introduced in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and involves Sonic spinning on the spot before blasting off at full speed,[32] and the Homing Attack, officially introduced in Sonic Adventure, in which Sonic dashes toward a target in mid air.[27] Sonic's only weakness is that he cannot swim, sinking like a rock if plunged to a deep body of water.[28] However, he can overcome this by running on the surface of water.
When the seven Chaos Emeralds are collected in most Sonic games, Sonic can initiate a Super transformation into Super Sonic, a faster and invulnerable version of himself that can fly.[33] He can normally transform into Super Sonic with 50 Rings. While transformed, Sonic slowly loses Rings during the time he is in Super form (usually about one every second) and returns to normal when all the Rings are used up, usually incurring the loss of a life during a boss; he can collect more Rings during this time to maintain Super form. Sonic is one of three characters to use the Super Emeralds which can give even more power than the normal Chaos Emeralds.                                                                          Games
Rad Mobile (cameo)
Sonic Eraser
Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit)
Sonic Chaos
Sonic Spinball
Sonic CD
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Drift
Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic Drift 2
Sonic Labyrinth
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Blast
Gale Racer (cameo)
Sonic the Fighters
Sonic R
Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Shuffle
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic X (Leapster)
Sonic Battle
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Rush
Sonic Rush Adventure
Sonic Pinball Party
Sonic Adventure DX
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg(cameo)
Sonic Heroes
Sega Superstars
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Riders
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Sonic Rivals
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic Rivals 2
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Sega Superstars Tennis
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Samba de Amigo Wii (Cameo)
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic and the Black Knight
Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Winter Games
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Sonic Classic Collection
Sonic 4: Episode I
Sonic Free Riders
Sonic Colors
Sonic Generations
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
Sonic 4: Episode II

Reception and legacy

As Sega's mascot and one of the key reasons for the company's success during the 16-bit era of video game consoles, Sonic is one of the most famous video game characters in the world. In 1996, Sonic was the first video game character to be seen in a Rose Parade. Sonic is also the first video game character (later followed by Pikachu) to have a balloon in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.[3] Sonic was one of the three game characters inducted on the inaugural Walk of Game class in 2005, along with former rivals Mario and Link (both from Nintendo).[6](rival)

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